Thursday 4 February 2010

I hope that the images I have selected will illustrate the range of my work and abilities and demonstrate my passion both for printed surface design and constructed textiles. My initial research and investigation play an extremely important part in forming the development of my ideas. I often draw inspiration from my Welsh roots and the wealth of traditional literature and landscape offered by my fascinating mother country. My work focuses on combining detail with carefully chosen colours, tactile surfaces and an engaging content. I often create decorative surfaces which have considerable personal meaning as I am keen to preserve the photographs, stories and memories of my relatives.

After a thoroughly inspirational year on the Foundation Studies course at Manchester Metropolitan University I am eager to continue my creative studies within this prestigious art college. The textile course offered particularly appeals to me for many reasons. Firstly I believe the initial focus placed upon drawing would be essential in the future development of my ideas and I am currently trying to improve my observational skills through life drawing classes. In addition the chance to explore dyeing, printing, knitting and weaving and therefore acquiring new skills and influences excites me as I am open to experimenting and pushing boundaries and habit. Through discussing with students currently on the course, I believe the importance placed upon professional lectures would be especially useful in helping inform me of career plans and they highly recommended the course due to its range of workshops and the excellent facilities offered.

I would consider myself to be very conscientious, hardworking and enthusiastic. I am always keen to increase my awareness and knowledge of artists within all creative spheres. A recent visit to the ‘Beware of Embroidery’ exhibition in West London gave me the chance to see the work of contemporary textile artists and proved to be a source of considerable inspiration. I would greatly welcome the opportunity to further my skills in the area of textiles and believe that this course combined with the cosmopolitan nature of Manchester as a city would enable my work to flourish.

Memories on the Edge of Wales:-

Life Drawing:-

Childhood Memories:-

Examples of my Notebooks:-

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